Communities teachers at Coelho Middle School
“A lesson plan (through Google Slides) on Perseverance and a Growth Mindset.”
Power teachers at Galvin Middle School
“Our presentation is made for parents and colleagues detailing two desired learning outcomes that are tied to the Canton Public Schools vision statement.”
Power teachers at Galvin Middle School
“We created a slideshow to share a lesson that showcases the connections between creativity and literacy through student exploration of multiple meanings of words.”
Communities Teachers at Wamsutta Middle School
“Our project focuses on the DSO kind and compassionate community members through the role of town hall representatives.”
Power teachers at Wamsutta Middle School
“We created an activity that could be done during the first week of school to introduce the Desired Student Outcomes. Students would think about and record their ideas of what each outcome would look like, sound like, and feel like in the classroom.”
Communities teachers at Ware Middle School
Desired Student Outcomes comic strip activity. Students would be tasked with creating comic strips to illustrate the desired student outcome qualities. We crafted a few to use as exemplars.