Engineering Challenge Warm-Up: Materials
Materials for the Engineering Challenge Warm-Up

Engineering Challenge Warm-Up: Setup
Setting up the materials for the Engineering Challenge Warm-Up

Engineering Challenge Warm-Up: Bycatch Challenge
Creating a net to eliminate bycatch

Engineering Challenge Warm-Up: Bycatch Eliminating Net
Constructing the bycatch eliminating net

Engineering Challenge Warm Up: Creating the Bycatch Net
Constructing the bycatch-eliminating net

Introduction to Dams: Testing Different Dams
Students testing their various dam constructions

Introduction to Dams: Arch Dams
Photos of students’ completed arch dams

Introduction to Dams: Testing the Dam
Pouring water into the dam to make sure it works

Introduction to Dams: Different Types of Dams
Different types of dams, including a buttress dam

Introduction to Dams: Arch Dams
Close-up photo of arch dams

Dams and the Ecosystem: Salmon Ladder
Building the salmon ladder

Dams and the Ecosystem: Salmon Ladder with Dominos
Using dominos to create a salmon ladder

Dams and the Ecosystem: Salmon Ladder Using Popsicle Sticks
The construction of a salmon ladder using popsicle sticks

Water Quality Testing

Water Quality Testing
Students analyze water samples for multiple characteristics: pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and chemical contamination.

Loon Lake Long Ago: Close Reading of Loon Lake Local
Students highlight as they do a close reading of Loon Lake Local

Loon Lake Long Ago: Close Reading of Loon Lake Local
Students work together to do a close reading of Loon Lake Local


Biomagnification: Frogs in the Pond
Frog eating from Pond A

Engineer a Filter Feeder: Planning the Feeder
Using dry-erase markers to plan the filter feeder

Engineer a Filter Feeder: Planning the Feeder
Students plan their filter feeders

Engineering a Filter Feeder: Poking Holes in Feeder
A student uses a paper clip to poke small holes in her filter feeder

Engineer a Filter Feeder: Building Feeder
Constructing the filter feeder using various materials

Engineer a Filter Feeder: Group Work
Working together as a group

Engineer a Filter Feeder: Creating Feeder
A student uses a pencil to make holes in the plastic cup

Engineer a Filter Feeder: Building Feeder
Student cutting a pipe cleaner as she builds her filter feeder

Engineering a Filter Feeder: Feeder Testing
Close-up of a filter feeder as it undergoes testing

Engineer a Filter Feeder: Feeder Testing
An aerial view of a student testing the filter feeder

Engineer a Filter Feeder: Trial 1 - Testing Feeder
Students run their first test of their filter feeder

Engineer a Filter Feeder: Trial 1 - Testing Feeder
Water runs through a filter feeder as students test out their design for the first time

Engineer a Filter Feeder: Trial 1 - Testing Feeder
Students test their first iteration of their filter feeder over the tub of water

Engineer a Filter Feeder: Making Improvements
Walking students through suggestions for the “making improvements” step of their filter feeders

Engineer a Filter Feeder: Trial 2 - Testing Revised Feeder
Students test the revised design of their filter feeder and watch as water flows through

Engineer a Filter Feeder: Trial 2 - Testing Revised Feeder
Students test out their revised filter feeders

Engineering a Filter Feeder: Trial 2 - Testing Revised Feeder
Students test their revised filter feeders to see how their new design works

Refining Ecological Pyramids
Student drawing out the Loon Lake ecological pyramid

Case Study Analysis
Close Reading of Information about Invasive Species

Catching the Zebra Mussels
Students work in a group to create the zebra mussel catcher

Catching the Zebra Mussels
Students work to build their zebra mussel catcher

Catching the Zebra Mussels
A close-up of students’ zebra mussel catcher

Catching the Zebra: Testing Catcher

Catching ONLY the Zebra Mussels
A zebra mussel catcher using foil and popsicle sticks

Showcase Preparation
Students prepare their products and poster for the showcase presentation

Showcase Preparation
Students practice for the showcase by reviewing their final presentation

Showcase Preparation
Students prepare their products and chart paper for the showcase

Students pose with their products and final poster in their final presentation

Students pose with their products and poster during their final presentation

Students pose with their final presentation

Example of group’s final presentation poster

Students pose with their final presentation, which includes a poster and the products they made during the week