Majority of programs to date focused on student populations currently underrepresented in STEM fields.


Student Course Weeks


Teachers Trained


Classrooms Transformed

97% of Boston STEM Week Schools Reported a Positive or Very Positive Impact
99% of teachers rated the professional development sessions as very good or good.

Over 90% of students liked or loved their i2 courses
Over 70% of all students eligible for free or reduced price lunch
Over 50% of all students female
Over 40% of all students English is their second language


Since 2013, i2 Learning programs have been studied annually by external evaluators from Teachers College, Columbia University and the Education Development Center. Full text of each report is below.

Key Findings

During STEM Week

Students showed high levels of engagement with highest school attendance all year and a significant drop in disciplinary issues

Students showed increased comfort and grit in making changes when things do not go according to plan

In a majority of classrooms, different students from those who are usually successful tended to be class leaders and were often most successful

After STEM Week

Students, especially girls, showed a statistically significant increased interest in an engineering career

Teachers are rethinking STEM instruction & considering STEM Week-type activities throughout the year

Teachers report using the STEM Week experience to learn better techniques for engaging some of their previously less motivated students in their regular classes later in the year


“I’ve never seen the kids’ eyes light up so much in my entire career… We have some attendance problems, but this week we had 98% attendance. Kids told me they were coming for STEM Week. Now we’re talking about starting all these clubs, dissection club, this club, that club.”
— Marjorie Soto, Principal at The Hurley K-8 School

“I personally learned so much from the i2 experience. It was a phenomenal professional growth opportunity for me and I feel that it has enhanced my teaching. Just today, I utilized one of our engineering activities with my 5th grade students.”
— T. Hudick, i2 Teacher at Castilleja School

“i2 has a very unique program that truly instills a passion and enthusiasm for STEM with excellent curriculum and engaging hands-on activities. The students arrived each morning excited to learn, and did not want to leave at the end of the day because they loved the academic exploration and discoveries they were participating in!”
— Valerie Stephens, i2 Teacher at St. Margaret’s Episcopal School
— STEM Week Students

“The students did most of the work this week… You are learning how you learn when you are in charge, working together in teams, doing really difficult thinking, and learning really important things about what things you can do with your lives.”
— Patricia Lampron, Principal at Henderson Inclusion School, Dorchester, MA
“As a teacher, I felt invigorated as this literally has been the best week of the school year. For the first time, all students arrived at school with an excitement in their eyes. They could not wait to hear about the next topic we’d learn about or the challenge they would be facing. The anticipation and curiosity for what we would be learning/doing next was real!”
— Shantae Toole, Teacher at Trotter Innovation School