Urban Farming
Day 1
Engineering a Chicken Coop
Food Systems
Coming soon!
Video Debrief
Coming soon!
Farm for a Food Product
Coming soon!
Where Can We Farm in the CIty?
Coming soon!
Day 2
Outdoor Exploration

Soil Testing
Coming soon!
Food Waste
Design a Terrarium
Day 3
Engineering a Beehive

Importance of Light

Students investigate different light sources available for their urban farm and conclude which light source is best for plant growth.

Students design an irrigation system that effectively and efficiently waters the plants in their urban farms. Students consider the use of rain and providing the right amount of water to each plant.
Day 4
Temperatures in the City
Coming soon!
Focus on Food Deserts
Coming soon!
Choose Your Site Type
Designing Your Urban Farm
Students design their farm cutting a fish out of a sponge to represent the provision of nutrients to the plants
Students design an improved chicken coop to incorporate in their urban garden model.
Food Product Packaging
Coming soon!
Day 5
Improving Your Urban Farm
Students incorporate an irrigation system and light source into their urban garden model.
Making use of store-bought plants to incorporate into urban garden models.
Final Food Product
Coming soon!
Showcase Preparation
Final urban farm models, with informative posters behind them, sit awaiting visitors for the showcase.