Day 1
Class chart of items that students would bring with them to live on the moon
Students create a list of problems they might run into on the moon
Activity setup and testing
Engineering Challenge Warm-Up
Uploaded by i2 Learning on 2019-06-12.
Plants on the Moon
Day 2
Student creating a water filter with rocks, dirt, and a coffee filter
Students test and observe the effectiveness of their water filter design.
Activity setup and testing
Water on the Moon
Uploaded by i2 Learning on 2019-06-12.
Model Rockets
Water on the Moon: Student Explanation
Day 3
Students use their models to simulate the movement of the Earth and moon and the sun to determine if there is “dark side” of the moon.
Students observe the effect of different balls on a piece of spandex in order to better understand the gravitation field
Students explore the effect of various types of balls on a piece of spandex in order to understand gravitational fields
Students discuss the pros and cons of a lunar colony, which are written on chart paper
Day 4
Close-up of a student testing the protective spacesuit in the vacuum chamber
Students check the protective suits in the vacuum chamber
Students design and create a spacesuit made of aluminum foil, tape, and other materials to protect a marshmallow astronaut.
Students sketch the layout and components of their lunar colony.
Activity setup and testing
Atmosphere on the Moon
Uploaded by i2 Learning on 2019-06-12.
Light on the Moon
Demonstration of how to set up and run the activity, including how to weigh the ice cube and design an insulation chamber
Temperature on the Moon
Day 5
Students decide to include a shuttle to their colony for transportation.
A student works to improve her lunar colony in advance of the final Showcase.
Students work together to set up their lunar colony for the showcase
Close-up of part of a final lunar colony, including astronauts an a U.S. flag.